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Precise Systems Integration

What is sound masking?

Sound Masking offers an affordable and effective solution to reduce distractions of nearby conversations, leading to an environment that fosters collaboration and creativity without jeopardizing speech privacy.

As businesses begin to welcome employees back to the office, providing an environment that improves employee productivity and comfort is once again in the forefront of priorities. In a recent study, 60% of employees report being more productive at work when the office is quiet.

Sound Masking offers an affordable and effective solution to reduce distractions of nearby conversations, leading to an environment that fosters collaboration and creativity without jeopardizing speech privacy.

How does it work 🤔? Sound Masking devices emit a uniform, barely perceptible background sound into the environment through speakers located in or above the ceiling. It's not only used in business offices, but also in patient rooms & reception areas, hotel lobbies & guest rooms, courtrooms & law offices, call centers, airport lounges, and even home offices.

Check out this infographic on how the "New Normal" workplace impacts acoustics, staff comfort and privacy.

PSI relies on Cambridge Sound Management for it's superior Sound Masking technology.

To learn more about Sound Masking for your environment, visit our Workspace Solutions or email



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